WIN Compilation January 2016

Happy new year!

Of course we’ll ( & be bringing you the best WIN of the web in 2016, too. Starting with the January Edition containing 52 clips in under 10 minutes and a fresh-looking blood-red color. One thing stays the same: Enjoy & share!

Originals can be found by clicking the “ORIGINAL”-Button in the top left corner or in the following list:

01. Kylo Ren Rides BB-8 and Plays Flaming Bagpipes in the Rain
02. Blake Griffin Alley-Oop Three Pointer!
03. Cat + Monkey. 2016 年の干支 猿になった猫のまる
04. 空間表示腕時計を作ったった【スチームパンク】
05. World Record: Fastest Time To Undecorate A Christmas Tree!
06. Mine dricker från tratten
07. Baby’s First Bacon
08. BB-8 Heels
09. Condom Challenge – The Slow Mo Guys
10. HappyHolidays
11. Minecraft: Working Cell Phone w/ Web Browser and Video Calling
12. RC Edition | Dude Perfect
13. Real Burning Lightsaber
15. Road Bike Parkour 2 – Snow Ride – Max Schrom
17. How To Make A STAR WARS BB-8 CAKE. Learn from Yolanda, the CAKE JEDI!
18. Little girl mistakes a shopper for Santa and he plays along!
19. Male Lion Better Hunter than Lioness
20. Fire-breathing Backflip with Steve-O – The Slow Mo Guys
21. 9 Year Old Performs Triple Decade on BMX
22. A Curious Clock With a Rotating Face in Central Park
23. Bun Bun, Destroyer of Leaves!
24. Dog Slides Across the Snow
25. Dolphin Encounter
26. Double Dog Treat Trick
27. Droid Dress
28. Elderly Man Dances With Christmas Spirit in Middlesbrough (Storyful, Feel Good)
29. GoPro: 2500m Chamonix Wingsuit Flight
30. Guys Use Treadmill to Transport Wood Logs
31. Hidden dyed hair! (AKA: secret metamorphmagus hair)
32. Hypnotic Cardistry Kid
33. INCREDIBLE Star Wars Christmas Light Show IN 4K!!! (Tracy, CA)
34. Indian Style Squat
35. Kitchen drawer hits stove when opened – Now it’s NOT a problem
36. Kitten demonstrates what happens when you ignore him
37. Laika Shovelling the Sidewalk
38. Little Boy Dances at the Mall
39. When getting old. Always remember. Punk’s not dead.
40. Monkey Sees A Magic Trick
41. Sisyphus LEGO Kinetic Sculpture
42. Skydiving whilst skyping the parents!
43. Star Wars – Jedi & Sith Lightsaber Training
44. Star Wars Theme (Guitar Orchestra) – Cooper Carter
45. This Dog Has Rhythm
46. Turtle Rescues His Stranded Friend
47. Überholen auf der Autobahn
48. Was passiert wenn man 1000 Wunderkerzen anzündet!
49. World Record: World’s Fastest Guitar Player (1600 BPM!)
50. World Record: World’s Fastest Pedalboard Player (168 BPM!)
51. Водомет против огнемета. Полная версия. Firehose vs flamethrower. Complete video.
52. Winter Wonderland on Beer Bottles – by Bottle Boys

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